We are constantly bombarded with thousands of thoughts jumping in and out of our minds each day. These thoughts form patterns over time and determine how we approach situations and react to them on a regular basis.
While some of these thoughts might be good, and might bring along positive reactions and patterns, others are not so good. They fill our minds with doubt, uncertainty, depression, and so on.
In order to make change and begin controlling these thoughts, we must first build our awareness of these patterns.
How can you start this process?
I’d suggest keeping a notebook with you wherever you go. Whenever possible, log your negative, discouraging, and destructive thoughts that pop into your mind. This will help you become aware of how your mind works and how your thoughts emerge. And be sure to add context to your notes. Write down where you were and/or who you were with when the thoughts entered your mind.
Did some occur first thing in the morning while you were alone? While you were out at yoga with your friend? During work hours? Write it all down, and we’ll work together to analyze the data and work on solutions.
In order to change these patterns, you must become acutely aware of what is holding you back. This is a productive first step.